5 Great Ways to Recycle Old Tea

Are you looking to update your home or want shiny locks? Tea is a great and convenient alternative to the usual store-bought household products! Although there is no expiration date, old tea that has lost its taste and smell can be recycled at home. So don’t throw away unused or old tea bags; here is a list of 5 ways to reuse tea daily.

Recycle Old Tea

 1. DIY Projects

 Use old tea for fun DIY projects. The spices and flowers in the tea make a fragrant soap and potpourri. While flower teas produce the most beautiful shades, black and Green Teas have excellent exfoliating properties when used in soap. As for potpourri, add a few drops of essential oil to dry tea and use it to invigorate the room.

 2. Add shine to your hair

 Skip the expensive conditioner for a more affordable, natural glow. Use old tea bags to make a weaker tea and rub it through your hair after shampooing. It acts as a natural conditioner and makes your hair shiny. Try this with pure teas only. We do not recommend using tea blends because they contain fragrances and additives that irritate the scalp.

  3. Nourish your garden

 Drink old tea, use wet leaves as a natural fertilizer and watch your plants bloom. Add the brewed tea to the bucket of water. Mix and use to water plants (especially flowering plants). Old loose-leaf tea can also be sprinkled around rose bushes to help them bloom.

 4. Get rid of smelly feet

 Tea is widely used to get rid of unwanted odours and smells. Soak your feet in a detoxifying tea bath to remove foot odour. Add dry, unused tea bags to smelly shoes to eliminate the unpleasant smell.

  5. Clean your home

Old tea bags can be used to clean surfaces around the house. Rub damp tea bags on glass surfaces such as mirrors, doors, and glasses to remove dust, dirt and fingerprints and restore their shine. They can also be used to restore old furniture to remove unwanted stains and scratches. 

 Tip: If you use infused tea leaves or bags, store them in the refrigerator to prevent mould.

The benefits of tea are endless, and not just as a drink. Leave a comment and let us know how you would recycle your old tea.

Tanmay Mall

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