Astonishing Benefits of Barley Tea

Popular in Asia, Barley tea is a lesser-known tea variety in the Western world but one that packs a punch to improve overall health. With a delightfully nutty flavor, this toasted tea differs from most traditional teas in that it is most often consumed cold.

Drinking barley tea can provide an array of fantastic health benefits that range from preventing cancer to cleansing blood and Boosting Your Immune System. Relax and refresh in the summer sun or warm winter afternoon, and toast to good health with barley tea.

Barley Tea

What Is Barley Tea?

Barley tea is not a proper tea like white, green, or black tea and contains no tea leaves. It is also not an herbal tea but a tisane made using roasted grains. Barley tea is an infusion made from the roasted seeds of the barley plant. Barley is a staple whole grain used in various foods and beverages, including beer, thanks to its high fibre content and mild taste. Barley tea is commonly consumed as a cold, refreshing beverage but can also be prepared hot, depending on your preference.

Barley Tea Benefits For Health

Barley tea contains many vitamins, nutrients and biological compounds credited with positive health benefits. Barley Tea contains vitamins A and C antioxidants that help eliminate free radicals and amino acids and melatonin that aid overall health.

1. It’s Good for Digestion

Barley tea is a natural antacid that helps to relieve the painful symptoms of heartburn and acid reflux disease. Barley grains contain high levels of fibre, which helps to reduce constipation and increase healthy bowel movements. The antioxidants in barley tea can help to relieve stomach cramps and nausea. Drink barley tea 30 minutes before each meal for the best digestive results.

2. Boosts Your Immune System

Barley tea contains large amounts of vitamin C that can help protect your immune system from diseases and shorten the common cold and flu duration. Vitamin C helps to increase the production of white blood cells, which makes it easier for your body to fight infections. Barley tea also contains antioxidants that eliminate free radicals that can cause cell death, leading to premature ageing and serious illnesses like cancer.

The positive blood benefits of barley tea can be attributed to the presence of the flavonoid alkyl pyrazine. Since blood can more easily flow through arteries and veins, the risk of blood clots decreases when consuming barley tea regularly? Clots and clogged arteries can also lead to heart attacks and heart disease, which can be mitigated by better blood circulation.

4. Prevents Tooth Decay

Barley tea contains antioxidants and polyphenols that can prevent teeth from decaying. These potent compounds also help to protect teeth from plaque build-up that can lead to cavities.

5. It Can Help You Unwind

Barley tea contains several compounds, including melatonin and tryptophan, to help you sleep better. These compounds trigger neurotransmitters in your brain that help you relax and feel sleepy.

One study found that barley powder made from the leaves and stems of barley seedlings contained 6.5 times more GABA than rice. GABA is an amino acid that works as an inhibitory neurotransmitter to help you achieve more peaceful sleep. Common anti-anxiety and insomnia medications such as Xanax and Valium work to increase GABA, making barley tea a healthy alternative to these powerful medications without the severe side effects.

Barley tea also contains melatonin, another critical ingredient for a restful night’s sleep. Melatonin works to regulate the body’s internal clock by regulating sleep cycles. Melatonin is produced by the pineal gland in your body and is triggered once the sun goes down. Higher levels of melatonin lead to increased sleepiness and calm, which can help if you have insomnia or restless sleep.

Roasted barley tea is popular in Korea and Japan as a summertime beverage to help you unwind and revitalize your health. The roasted barley grains effuse a toasty, nutty, mild flavor yet exquisite. While not a cure for serious diseases, drinking barley tea can help improve your digestive system, increase weight loss and protect your immune system from colds and flu. Settle in and enjoy a refreshing afternoon with chilled barley tea rich in antioxidants and flavor.

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