Life Of Chai

Out of all the beverages in the market, if there is anyone who is additive, delicious as well as popular, it is definitely me. Hi! Here is your favourite chai, pouring in some hot gossip & old stories just for you.

Every day, I get to hear so many stories around me. I have all your interesting news, spicy gossip and stories stored with me right here. But the sad part is, I do not get the opportunity to talk about these stories at all. I lay there in your cups trying to satisfy your chai-thirst but in the process tend to lose out my own identity and purpose. I was not born to listen to your saas-bahu complaints or make my peace with your sutta! I was brewed to make people happy and take away all their stress. By the way, do you know the story behind my birth? How did I land up in your cup? Let me tell you an interesting story then…

Picture Courtesy : Pinterest

The Day I Was Discovered…

There are lots of stories that you will read about my origin. Many communities will claim that they have discovered the idea of brewing my leaves in warm water. But today I will share my birth story and leave it on you to believe it or not.

Although I do not remember clearly who invented me, I know that the first cup was brewed unknowingly. As per my ancestors, it was Emperor Shen Nung of China who came across a few leaves which fell into a pot of boiling water and gave it a different taste altogether. He was sitting under the tea with his troops when he discovered me and got the very first taste of chai.

Wait! Wait! I just realized that I have some interesting facts about my name also. Do you wanna know? Oh, of course, you do.

My Name – Sake 

So when I talk about my name “chai”, you must know that the word came down from a Cantonese word called “Chah” which was mostly used by the Portuguese Traders in Macao around 16th Century. (Yes! I am that old) The popular name “chai” has been adopted from the Persian ‘chai’. Both the names, Chai and Chah have been mentioned in the Persian Dictionaries and is being used vividly even in today’s times. In fact, I am also known as ‘chai’ in Russia. So now you know how familiar my name is around the world.

Well, you can call me by any name you like but the satisfaction after my first sip will always remain the same. Am I right or Am I right?

Picture Courtesy : Pinterest

What Do I Have That Others Don’t?

In recent times I have observed that many depend on a cup of coffee to start their day and get serious addictions to it towards the end. What they do not understand is the immense amount of caffeine that they are subjecting their bodies to. That is where I feel bad!

Look at me, I also have caffeine in me and do not shy away from it. But in my defence, I have only around 40gm of caffeine in one regular cup whereas coffee has more than 120gm of caffeine in a typical cup. That is why when you consume a cup of chai, you get that calm and soothing effect and your cup of coffee gives a “caffeine shock” that even disrupts your sleep at times.

And I don’t think I have to talk about my health benefits anymore. Nowadays even kids know how beneficial a cup of chai is in your routine. If you like me along with milk or brew me aesthetically in warm water, that is totally up to you but it’s my responsibility to provide you with taste and good sleep.

You will find me in every nook and corner around you. I am affordable and very easy to digest. With so many health, medical, soothing benefits, I am a part of your everyday routine.

This is Me. Your Favourite Chai & my life-story. Let me know if you would like to hear more such interesting stories from me.

Tanmay Mall

We are passionate about Chai and quenching people’s thirst about it. We hope you are too! Want to learn about chai? That’s what we are helping you with.

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