How to Store Tea Properly?

Did you know that your tea’s overall flavor and scent can be impacted by how you store it? Whether you have a small or extensive collection of teas, how you store your tea is essential. This formula applies to all teas in tea bags or loose-leaf form. It makes no difference if the tea is jasmine, chamomile, earl grey, chai, or even hojicha. Fortunately, the right way to store tea can be simple and manageable. However, investing some time in learning how to reorganize your tea collection will help it remain fresher and ultimately cost you less money. So let’s talk about how to store tea properly!

Shelf Life of Tea

Every type of tea has a different shelf life. Although some variations are based on the type and quality of tea, these are the basic recommendations if stored properly. The green and white teas have only six to twelve months of shelf life. Black tea takes two years or longer to brew than oolong tea, which takes one to two. Teas that are dark in color, like pure tea, are suitable for ageing over time.

However, the tea shelf life will be different when referring to tea blends. For example, essential oils and dried fruit may lose their potency more quickly than tea leaves. In this instance, please pay attention to the best before dates on the tea container and inspect the tea to ensure it smells and looks all right before steeping.

It will last longer if tea is free from air, heat, light, smells, and moisture. Use these suggestions to properly store tea so you can continue enjoying it for many months or even years!

1. Keep tea in an airtight container.

Tea leaves may continue to oxidase when exposed to air or oxygen. This process will significantly impact a tea’s flavor. For instance, green teas have less oxidation than other forms of tea. Thus, the color of the leaves, as well as the general freshness, will be impacted.

Green tea’s leaves are typically green, but they may become brown if left out in the open for a long time. Always store tea or tea bags in an airtight container to reduce exposure. This way can be a resalable bag or jar. Tin, stainless steel, or ceramic are the ideal materials to use when using a jar to hold tea.

2. Store tea in a cool, dark place.

Always keep loose-leaf tea and tea bags out of the path of heat and sunlight. Dark storage is vital because heat and light can potentially damage tea. You shouldn’t keep your tea close to windows or heat-producing devices like stoves and microwaves. A closed cabinet or pantry is one of the finest locations to store tea to keep it cool and away from light.

Glass or other transparent jars and pouches can be a fantastic way to store tea so you can show it nicely, but these kinds of containers let light through. As a result, there are more suitable methods for long-term tea storage.

3. Tea should be kept away from strong scents.

Tea can be kept out of the light in a cabinet or pantry, but not if it is next to other things that might smell strongly. The tea can quickly and easily absorb any smells in the area. Therefore, keep tea away from items like coffee, herbs, and spices when storing it to prevent your English breakfast black tea from tasting like chili powder.

Additionally, it’s a good idea to arrange your tea collection so that blended or perfumed teas are kept away from unadulterated teas. For instance, the flavor and scent may change if you store a masala chai blend too close to a Sencha Green Tea.

4. Keep tea dry and out of the path of moisture.

Tea bags or leaves should only be wet throughout the steeping process. If not, tea is dry and ought to be stored dry since any moisture can damage it. For this reason, tea shouldn’t be kept in the freezer or refrigerator.

 Tea can absorb the moisture that is created during condensation. Though match and some other tea powders are an exception, they should still be kept from other things with overpowering scents.

5. Buy fresh tea in smaller amounts.

Tea from a recent harvest will keep better if you purchase it. Before purchasing a tea, determine how old and long you must drink it. While you consider the broader picture, it may be less advantageous to buy a lot of tea while it is on sale, despite your temptation.

If you analyses your tea consumption patterns and determine that you won’t finish a given quantity before it expires, you may buy smaller quantities at a time. This method will prevent the cheap bulk tea from going bad after being stored in your pantry or cabinet for a long time.

Tea rituals are great reminders to take a moment to relax and unwind in the middle of the day’s hustle and bustle for the benefit of the mind and spirit. Its goal is to instil a sense of aesthetics that improves daily life and makes a place for sophistication and spiritual contentment through incredibly essential practice. One can become more centered, reflective, and aware of the correct ritual. It is a means to connect with oneself and the inner workings of one’s mind.

Tanmay Mall

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