Category: Types


Did You Hear About Kashmiri Kahwa?

Winter mornings have a ritual. It takes forever to come out of our cosy blankets and the day gets impossible to start without a cup of chai. Being a chai person, I have tasted multiple types of tea. From rose tea to white tea, I have covered them all. That is why I love sharing my experiences with my readers as well. But recently, I came across a type of tea that simply blew my mind. My recent Kashmir trip introduced me to the supremely delicious yet healthy winter beverage called “Kashmiri Kahwa”. Let’s Dig Into Some History The minute...

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The Magic Of Lavender Tea

There used to be a time when tea used to be all about comfort. The classic tea recipe would involve the bare minimum of a household. A little bit of milk, some sugar and some strong tea leaves would serve the purpose. But with evolving times, the concept of tea has changed a lot. Nowadays, tea is not only a comfortable beverage but a storehouse of lots of medicinal value as well. With different types of tea leaves coming into the market every day, the creativity of tea brewers has left us in awe. Today, we will majorly talk about...

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Kulhad: Making Chai Better

If you observe the menu of any tea serving outlet or even a local tea shop in the nation, then you will notice the presence of a ‘Kulhad chai’ on the menu. Tea has been such an integral part of Indian households that talk of Kulhad chai is nothing new for the general public. There is no effective way to describe the earthy flavour a Kulhad gives to chai. If you are an Indian, you probably know the taste and understand why it cannot be explained in words. Simply put, it is unique and amazing. What is a Kulhad? Kulhad...

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Let’s Know Green Tea

It might come as a surprise to you that both green tea and black tea originate from the same exact plant species – Camellia sinensis. It’s mainly how the tea leaves are processed that defines how green tea becomes “green” and black tea becomes “black”. There are two main varieties of the Camellia sinensis tea plant: Camella Sinensis Sinensis and Camella Sinensis Assamica. Processing The tea leaves are harvested from the Camellia sinensis plant and are then quickly heated (by pan firing or steaming) and dried to prevent too much oxidation that would turn the green leaves brown and alter...

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What is Tandoori Chai?

It’s just normal masala chai. But with a twist. An earthen cup is placed in a glowing hot tandoor using iron tongs. When the cup is super-hot, it’s taken out and sweet milky chai is poured in, which sizzles and froths over. Then this chai is poured into another kulhad (earthen cup) and served. The process gives it a nice earthy and smoky flavour, making it even more amazing. Chai La, a tea shop in Pune is where this tea started to become a trend. Travellers from all over the nation, and even abroad, definitely visit this shop whenever they...